Oracle Database 19c – the latest offering of Oracle corp. is now available for windows 10 operating system. Oracle has finally released the on-premises version of Oracle Database 19c for Windows operating system. Meaning now you can download and install it on your windows systems. That is exactly what we are going to learn today.
In this blog I will show you how to properly install Oracle Database 19c on Windows 10. Just to make the installation less complex and easy to understand I have divided this blog into three simple sections. These are –
- Prerequisite for Oracle 19c installation
- Download of the Oracle 19c software, and
- Installation of Oracle DB 19c on Windows 10.
Also, we will see at the end of this blog, what is the default URL of the Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Manager? Thus, I suggest you to read on till the end.
Prerequisite for Oracle 19c installation
The most important part is knowing a software before you deploy it on any machine. It could save you from various errors. Also solving them would be a time-consuming activity. Furthermore, if you are preparing for an interview then this could help you in nailing it.
Here I have explained all the important things related to Oracle DB 19c in Question Answer format. Check it out –
Is Oracle Database 19c available for all the Windows operating systems?
No, it is not. Oracle Database 19c is only available for –
- Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro and Enterprise editions
- Windows 10 x64 – Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions
- Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 – Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, and Foundation editions
- Windows Server 2016 x64 – Standard, Datacenter, and Essentials editions
- Windows Server 2019 x64 – Standard, Datacenter, and Essentials editions
Can we install Oracle DB 19c on x32 bit Windows operating system?
No, we cannot install Oracle Database 19c on x32bit Windows operating system. Oracle 19c is only compatible with x64bit Windows OS. Those who have x32bit Windows OS installed. I am sorry. You either need to upgrade your system to x64bit (But first make sure your CPU has x64 bit architecture. You cannot install x64bit OS on a x32 bit CPU) or configure a virtual box.
What are hardware requirements for Oracle 19c?
The minimum hardware requirement for installing Oracle Database 19c on Windows 10 are as follow—
- Minimum 2GB free RAM.
- 10GB of empty space on Hard Disk Drive
- A processor based on either Intel EM64T or AMD64 architecture.
- Display card with minimum resolution of 1024×768 pixels.
- 16 GB SWAP (virtual memory) space if RAM is more than 16 GB. If RAM is in between 2 GB and 16 GB, then 1 time the size of the RAM
Also make sure that your system is connected to the internet.
Free RAM for Oracle 19c.
Somebody commented on my 18c installation video and said that he has 3 or may 4 GB RAM installed but the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) is still giving the minimum hardware compatibility error.
Therefore, let me clear the confusion here – No matter what size of RAM you have installed in your system, installation will not proceed unless 2GB of free space of RAM is available.
Consequently, 2GB of RAM must be free for Oracle 19c of whatever the size of RAM you have installed in your system.
Storage for Oracle 19c
As mentioned earlier that the installation of Oracle Database 19c requires at least 10GB of Free storage space. Thus, 10GB empty space on your hard disk drive is a sweet spot. Empty storage space depends on, which edition of Oracle Database 19c you are installing. For example –
- Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition requires at least 6.0 GB free storage space
- Oracle DB 19c Standard Edition 2 requires at least 5.5 GB free storage space
Furthermore you should also, at least have 7.0 GB for restart installation.
Oracle recommends that you allocate approximately 100 GB to allow additional space for applying any future patches on top of the existing Oracle home.
How many Edition of Oracle 19c are available?
So far, Oracle Database 19c is only available in 2 editions. These are –
- (EE) Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition, and
- (SE2) Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2
Now that I have given you all the basic information about the installation of Oracle Database 19c. It’s time to start the installation.
In order to install the Oracle Database 19c we first need to download its copy on our system. Similar to every other Oracle Database software, Oracle 19c is also available for Free to us.
Let’s see how you can do that –
How to download Oracle Database 19c?
The download of Oracle Database 19c is going to be about 3 GB in size. Therefore make sure you have sufficient hard disk space to store it along with a high-speed internet.
Currently Oracle Database 19c is only available for Microsoft OS, Linux x86 – 64, Oracle Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX and Linux on System Z. And you can download your copy of Oracle 19c from here.
Since the launch of Oracle DB 18c, Oracle has introduced a new installation process called image-based installation. And thanks to this new process we only have to download 1 ZIP file, which is unlike Oracle 12c and previous versions.
Oracle Database 19c Download Link
Currently there are only two editions of Oracle Database 19c that are available –
- Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition
- And, Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2
Both these editions are bundled within the single file that I mentioned earlier. But you don’t need to download them separately.
I have explained the download process of Oracle Database 19c in my Video tutorial. Thus, if you are still confused, then check out the video.
Extract Oracle 19c.
You must be wondering, what’s so special about extracting the files of Oracle 19c?
Perhaps you are right. But, I guess you will agree with me when I ask you this. Will you install your Oracle Database Server into your Download folder. I would never do that, would you?
Since the launch of image-based installation with Oracle 18c, the Oracle Universal installer (OUI) has become slightly strict with the Oracle Home location.
In image-based location the OUI takes the path of the directory where we have extracted the Oracle Database and assigns it as Oracle Home. Therefore, it becomes necessary for us to decide the location of our DB Home/Oracle Home beforehand and extract all the files from the ZIP folder onto that location.
What would I suggest you do?
First of all decide a location. Additionally, it’s recommended to locate your Oracle Home in any partition of your hard disk, except the one which contains your Operating system.
For example. I will create a folder in my D: Drive and name it ‘db_home’.
Once you’ve done that – copy the zip file which we downloaded earlier into that folder and extract its content there.
That’s all you have to do.
Now we are all set to start the installation process of Oracle Database 19c.
Launch the OUI
Once you have successfully extracted your Oracle 19c files and folders then you’re all set to launch the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
But before you do that, make sure you are logged on to your windows with an administrative user account. You have to follow this clause because it is mandatory. Consequently, failing to do so may cause mid installation error and crash the entire installation process.
Now that you have logged on to your windows with an administrative user, locate the directory where you have extracted your Oracle Database 19c. Thereafter you have to search the file with the name “setup.exe”.
Once you find the file right click on it and choose “Run as Administrator”.
That’s all you need to do to start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
Screen 1: Configuration Option
Here we are presented with two configuration options.
- Create and configure a single instance database.
- Setup software only
If you select the first option, the oracle universal installer will not only install and configure the Oracle server on your system. But it will also create a starter database for you. This option is good for learning and practice purposes.
But if you go with the second option which is “setup software only”. It will do exactly what its name suggests. It will install and configure the Oracle Database server on your system. However OUI, the oracle universal installer will not create or configure any database for you.
Additionally, this option is best suitable when you are configuring a RAC or planning to perform an upgradation.
Action: Select The First Option – Create and Configure A Single Instance Database.
Screen 2: Select System Class.
In this step we need to select what type of installation of Oracle 19c we want to perform. OUI gives us two options.
First one is “Desktop Class” – You choose this option when you are installing Oracle Database 19c on your desktop or laptop. Because this option will perform the basic installation of Oracle 19c on your system.
Second option is “Server Class” – This is advanced installation. As it is generally used when you are installing Oracle Database 19c or any other version on Server grade machine.
Action: Select The First Option “Desktop Class”
Screen 3: Specify Oracle Home User.
There are so many things which Oracle Database server does in the background to keep your system running. And to do those tasks it creates 14 windows groups. Furthermore to handle those groups Oracle server needs a dedicated windows user.
In this step OUI gives us four options for creating or configuring Windows 10 user. These four options are –
- Use Virtual Account
- Or, Use Existing Windows User
- Create New Windows User
- Use Windows Built-In Account
Use Virtual Account
Select this option if you neither want to create a new user nor want to use any built-in or existing user.
Use Existing Windows User
Choose this if you want to use an existing standard or administrative windows user which is already created.
Create New Windows User
Oracle universal installer gives you an option for creating a dedicated user for your Oracle Database 19c. Using this you can create a Standard Windows User which is completely dedicated to your Oracle requirements. However this user will not be allotted with logon privileges. Therefore logging in to your system with this user won’t be possible. But you can modify it like any other standard windows user.
Use Windows Built-in Account
Choose this if you want to use one of those user accounts which Windows 10 has created for you during its installation.
For enhanced security Oracle recommends either using Virtual Account or Standard Windows user instead of windows built-in account. Also, you cannot change this Oracle Home user once the installation is done thus be careful while creating it.
Action: I will suggest creating a new and completely dedicated Oracle Database 19c user. To do that you have to select the third option which is “Create Windows User”.
Screen 4: Typical Installation.
Perhaps this is the most important step in this entire installation process of Oracle Database 19c. Here I suggest you bring out your pen and paper and get ready to note down some information.
Oracle Base
This is an editable drop-down input field. Therefore you have the freedom to either choose from the option given in the drop-down list or enter your desired directory location.
Oracle Base is a base directory for all your Oracle Products. Consequently this will be the location where all the necessary files like Oracle Home of Oracle Database 19c will be stored.
Here you will get a drop-down input field with one or two options already filled. Choose from any of these if you want to. But, if you want to assign a location of your choice then hit the “Browse” button and select the desirable location.
Action: Specify a directory location which is secure and stable.
Software Location.
Software location is famously known as Oracle Home or DB Home. This directory will be placed inside the Oracle Base. Also, it will be the directory where all the files and folders of Oracle Database 19c are placed.
Since Oracle introduced image-based installation in Oracle 18c we were not allowed to change or modify this location. But prior to that we were free to set this location according to our preference. Now, the Oracle Universal installer (OUI) takes the location of the setup files and assigns it as the Oracle Home or software location.
That’s why I asked you guys to move your Oracle Database 19c files from download folder to another location, which is more secure and stable.
Anyways, you can read more about Oracle Home here
Database File Location
Important files of Oracle Database 19c like Data files, redo log files, control files, server parameter files and the password files will be saved onto this directory. Furthermore it will be placed inside the software location of your Oracle 19c.
These files are most important and required for the proper functioning of the Oracle 19c database. Therefore make sure not to delete the content of this directory.
Action: Let it be set on default
Database Edition.
This is another drop-down list. Here you will find all the editions of Oracle 19c which you have downloaded. Fortunately Oracle Database 19c is only available in two editions and both of them come within the bundle which you have downloaded.
These editions of Oracle 19c are –
- Oracle Enterprise Edition
- And, Oracle Standard Edition 2
Action: Select Enterprise Edition
Character Set
As the name suggests, using this field you set the character set for your Database.
Action: Let it be set on default.
Global Database Name (S.I.D.)
The Global Database Name will be the name of your database and will serve as your database SID. You will need it while making a connection with your database using tools such as SQL Developer. By default, it is set as ORCL. If you want, you can change it to any other name, but make sure to remember it. I suggest you write it down somewhere as your Database SID.
This will be the password for your Administrative user. Administrative users are special user. Using them you can alter the core of your Database. So, it’s always advisable to set a strong password for them.
Now you asked what are the names(username) of those Administrative users?
Oracle 19c has four Administrative users just like every other variant of Oracle Database. These are –
- SYSMAN, and
You can use the name of either of these users as username and the password which you have specified in the field to log on to your database.
As I said earlier, these can modify the core of your database thus be careful with them.
Create as Container Database
In most of the cases this checkbox is already checked, but if for some weird reason it isn’t, then check it. If OUI finds this checkbox enabled then it will create a root container database for you.
Pluggable Database Name
In this field you will specify a unique name for your pluggable database. By default, it is set on ‘orclpdb’. This Pluggable Database (PDB) will work as a template for those PDBs which you will create in future.
Action: Let it be set on its default value. If you decide to change it, then note it down somewhere.
Screen 5: Prerequisite Checks
In this step the OUI will check the prerequisites. We will be good to install it if everything goes well. If there is any error, then the OUI will show you here.
Screen 6: Summary
On this screen, the OUI will show the summary of the configuration which you just did for your Oracle Database 19c installation. Here go ahead and press the Install button.
If possible save this information somewhere for future use. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
Unlike 11g and 12c in Oracle 19c you will not get a DBCA separately for your database configuration. Because this new Oracle 19c Universal Installer has simplified the process.
Once the installation is done the installer will show you the URL for your Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Manager. Enterprise manager is a web-based tool for managing Oracle Database 19c. Copy and save that link. I suggest you bookmark that link.
That’s how we install Oracle Database 19c on Windows 10. This was a detailed tutorial on installation of Oracle 19c. I have crafted this tutorial by taking the perspective of interview and certification in my mind.
Though the tutorial is very detailed but if you still have any doubts then feel free to leave me a message on my Facebook.
Thanks and have a great day!